Michael Ross
Specialization: Landscape Architecture, Ecological Landscape Design, Urban Ecology, Sustainability, Resilience
Engaging students in experiential and service learning, peer to peer learning and mentoring, multi and trans-disciplinary collaboration focused on sustainable landscape design, landscape architecture, and urban ecology.
Sustainable Landscape Design and Landscape Architecture with an emphasis on ecological landscape design, biodiversity, urban ecology, rewilding, ecosystems services, and resilient landscapes.
- The role floating treatment wetlands can play in biodiversity enhancement, ecosystem services, and ecological function in urban and post-industrial waterways.
- Designed landscapes as wildlife corridors and the role the built environment can play in re-wilding at discrete scales.
- Biodiversity, spontaneous vegetation and ecological competition in novel ecosystems. Examples include green roofs, brownfields, urban dross, and post-industrial sites.
- Rewilding as a mechanism for ecosystem design
- Strategic and adaptive management of landscape as design
2505 E J Chapman Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4500
- MLA, Landscape Architecture, Texas Tech University, 2017
Michael Ross
2505 E J Chapman Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4500
- MLA, Landscape Architecture, Texas Tech University, 2017
Engaging students in experiential and service learning, peer to peer learning and mentoring, multi and trans-disciplinary collaboration focused on sustainable landscape design, landscape architecture, and urban ecology.
Sustainable Landscape Design and Landscape Architecture with an emphasis on ecological landscape design, biodiversity, urban ecology, rewilding, ecosystems services, and resilient landscapes.
- The role floating treatment wetlands can play in biodiversity enhancement, ecosystem services, and ecological function in urban and post-industrial waterways.
- Designed landscapes as wildlife corridors and the role the built environment can play in re-wilding at discrete scales.
- Biodiversity, spontaneous vegetation and ecological competition in novel ecosystems. Examples include green roofs, brownfields, urban dross, and post-industrial sites.
- Rewilding as a mechanism for ecosystem design
- Strategic and adaptive management of landscape as design