
Christopher Stripling

Interim Asst Dean Hca, Prof & Head Alec | Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications

Professional interest includes the development of secondary and teaching faculty professional development programs. Dr. Stripling’s grant funded professional development programs have included participants from universities and secondary schools from across the United States, and he has traveled internationally to provide professional development for formal and non-formal educators in Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, and Haiti.

Research Focus

Research activities focus on secondary and postsecondary education and teaching faculty development.

Teaching Focus

Teaching activities focus on agricultural education in formal and non-formal settings.

Below are courses taught during the current or past three academic years. Consult Timetable for the most current listing of courses and instructor(s).
AGNR 100 - Student Success in the Herbert College of Agriculture
1 credit hour(s)

Orientation and integration into the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources with emphases in academic and career planning, self-exploration, college success strategies, professional development, and cocurricular engagement. Students gain knowledge and experiences that will enhance their transition to college and strategies for holistic college success.

Repeatability: May not be repeated.
Registration Restriction(s): First-year college students only.

Other Instructors: Rayborn, Amber

ALEC 100 - Student Success in Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications
1 credit hour(s)

Orientation and integration into the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications with emphases in academic and career planning, self-exploration, college success strategies, professional development, and co-curricular engagement. Students gain knowledge and experiences that will enhance their transition to college and strategies for holistic college success.

Grading Restriction: Letter grade only

ALEC 576 - School-Based Teaching Practicum in Agricultural Education
3 credit hour(s)

Full-time job-embedded teaching practicum and teaching-related experiences in approved school-based agricultural education settings.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 18 hours.

Other Instructors: Granberry, Tyler

ALEC 593 - Special Problems in Agricultural Leadership. Education and Communications
1 - 4 credit hours

Special research and/or special reports based on supervised independent study.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Rampold, Shelli D.

FYS 101 - The UT Experience
1 credit hour(s)

Transition from high school to college and Integration into the academic community, including the nature and purpose of a college education, expectations for academic success, organization of university disciplines, and special emphasis on academic and career planning. Restricted to freshmen students.

Grading Restriction: ABC/N grading only. Credit Restriction: Students may not receive credit for both FYS 101 and BUAD 100.

Other Instructors: Burk, Sonja | Rayborn, Amber

Picture of Christopher Stripling
320 Morgan Hall
2621 Morgan Circle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4500
Education and Training
  • PhD, Agricultural Teacher Education, University of Florida, 2012
  • Masters, Agriculture, General, University of Georgia, 2006
  • BS, Agricultural Teacher Education, University of Georgia, 2005
  • AS, Agricultural Engineering, Abraham Baldwin Agrcultrl Upbd, 2003

Christopher Stripling

Interim Asst Dean Hca, Prof & Head Alec | Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications
Picture of Christopher Stripling image
320 Morgan Hall
2621 Morgan Circle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4500
Education and Training
  • PhD, Agricultural Teacher Education, University of Florida, 2012
  • Masters, Agriculture, General, University of Georgia, 2006
  • BS, Agricultural Teacher Education, University of Georgia, 2005
  • AS, Agricultural Engineering, Abraham Baldwin Agrcultrl Upbd, 2003

Professional interest includes the development of secondary and teaching faculty professional development programs. Dr. Stripling’s grant funded professional development programs have included participants from universities and secondary schools from across the United States, and he has traveled internationally to provide professional development for formal and non-formal educators in Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, and Haiti.

Research Focus

Research activities focus on secondary and postsecondary education and teaching faculty development.

Teaching Focus

Teaching activities focus on agricultural education in formal and non-formal settings.

Below are courses taught during the current or past three academic years. Consult Timetable for the most current listing of courses and instructor(s).
AGNR 100 - Student Success in the Herbert College of Agriculture
1 credit hour(s)

Orientation and integration into the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources with emphases in academic and career planning, self-exploration, college success strategies, professional development, and cocurricular engagement. Students gain knowledge and experiences that will enhance their transition to college and strategies for holistic college success.

Repeatability: May not be repeated.
Registration Restriction(s): First-year college students only.

Other Instructors: Rayborn, Amber

ALEC 100 - Student Success in Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications
1 credit hour(s)

Orientation and integration into the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications with emphases in academic and career planning, self-exploration, college success strategies, professional development, and co-curricular engagement. Students gain knowledge and experiences that will enhance their transition to college and strategies for holistic college success.

Grading Restriction: Letter grade only

ALEC 576 - School-Based Teaching Practicum in Agricultural Education
3 credit hour(s)

Full-time job-embedded teaching practicum and teaching-related experiences in approved school-based agricultural education settings.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 18 hours.

Other Instructors: Granberry, Tyler

ALEC 593 - Special Problems in Agricultural Leadership. Education and Communications
1 - 4 credit hours

Special research and/or special reports based on supervised independent study.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Rampold, Shelli D.

FYS 101 - The UT Experience
1 credit hour(s)

Transition from high school to college and Integration into the academic community, including the nature and purpose of a college education, expectations for academic success, organization of university disciplines, and special emphasis on academic and career planning. Restricted to freshmen students.

Grading Restriction: ABC/N grading only. Credit Restriction: Students may not receive credit for both FYS 101 and BUAD 100.

Other Instructors: Burk, Sonja | Rayborn, Amber