
Robert B Reed Jr

Professor | Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences Department
Below are courses taught during the current or past three academic years. Consult Timetable for the most current listing of courses and instructor(s).
VMP 810 - Veterinary Anatomy I
4 credit hour(s)

Lectures, laboratories, and demonstrations are used in an integrated approach to the study of macroscopic (gross) clinically relevant anatomy, including neuroanatomy, and embryology of common domestic animals. Dissections of embalmed specimens, prosections, plastinated specimens, and radiographs of common domestic species are examined for comparative purposes.

Registration Restriction(s): Veterinary Medicine Students only.

VMP 870 - Special Studies in Veterinary Medicine
1 - 8 credit hours

Specially-designed studies for students in novel special-interest topics and/or for students participating in self-directed learning environments. Topics are unique and not associated with standard core rotations or elective topics within the veterinary or MPH curriculum.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 16 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Veterinary Medicine Students only. Upon approval of the associate dean.

Other Instructors: Long, Jeremy | Millis, Darryl L | Souza, Marcy Jan | Ng, Zenithson | Hartley, Ashley | Rollins, Angela | Kleine, Stephanie | Martin, Eric | Sheley, Wesley | Lux, Cassie

Picture of Robert B Reed Jr
A132 Veterinary Medical Center
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4574
Education and Training
  • Doctorate, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General, Texas A&M Univ College Station, 1998

Robert B Reed Jr

Professor | Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences Department
Picture of Robert B Reed Jr image
A132 Veterinary Medical Center
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4574
Education and Training
  • Doctorate, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, General, Texas A&M Univ College Station, 1998
Below are courses taught during the current or past three academic years. Consult Timetable for the most current listing of courses and instructor(s).
VMP 810 - Veterinary Anatomy I
4 credit hour(s)

Lectures, laboratories, and demonstrations are used in an integrated approach to the study of macroscopic (gross) clinically relevant anatomy, including neuroanatomy, and embryology of common domestic animals. Dissections of embalmed specimens, prosections, plastinated specimens, and radiographs of common domestic species are examined for comparative purposes.

Registration Restriction(s): Veterinary Medicine Students only.

VMP 870 - Special Studies in Veterinary Medicine
1 - 8 credit hours

Specially-designed studies for students in novel special-interest topics and/or for students participating in self-directed learning environments. Topics are unique and not associated with standard core rotations or elective topics within the veterinary or MPH curriculum.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 16 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Veterinary Medicine Students only. Upon approval of the associate dean.

Other Instructors: Long, Jeremy | Millis, Darryl L | Souza, Marcy Jan | Ng, Zenithson | Hartley, Ashley | Rollins, Angela | Kleine, Stephanie | Martin, Eric | Sheley, Wesley | Lux, Cassie